Types of hearing loss and solutions?

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Hearing loss is a chronic disease along with high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Its prevalence ranks among the top three chronic diseases among the elderly. It is a very common disease among the elderly. At least one-third of the elderly over 65 years old suffer from it. There are varying degrees of hearing loss.

Types of hearing loss and solutions?

Classification of hearing loss:

Conductive deafness: Due to certain lesions in the outer and middle ears, the physical vibration of sound waves cannot be transmitted or conducted through air, bone or other tissues. Most are treatable.
Sensorineural hearing loss: caused by damage to the inner ear.
Mixed hearing loss: both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss.
Central deafness: The brain cannot correctly process, recognize or understand sounds or speech.
Non-organic deafness: often called "functional deafness". In fact, there is no damage to the hearing mechanism, but due to certain psychological factors.

Common diseases of conductive hearing loss (external ear):
Ear malformations: including constriction of the external auditory canal, deformed or missing auricle, etc.
Cerumin embolism: a common cause of conductive hearing loss. After the cerumen was removed, the symptoms were relieved.
External ear eczema: The skin of the external auditory canal is red and swollen. After symptomatic treatment, the symptoms can be relieved.
Otitis externa: Inflammation of the wall of the external auditory canal. Symptoms can be relieved after symptomatic treatment.
External auditory canal polyps: Any polyps or abnormal growths of bony tissue, consider surgery.
External auditory canal collapse: related to age. The older you are, the more serious the collapse is.
Foreign objects: cotton balls, insects, wheat germ, and other unpredictable things.
Tympanic membrane perforation: caused by inflammation, foreign bodies, fractures or popping sounds, or slaps. Small punctures can cause a loss of 10-15 decibels. But small piercings usually heal on their own. Large perforations require surgical repair. (Tympanoplasty).
Tympanic membrane sclerosis: manifests as a white calcified scar, caused by the degeneration of the tympanic membrane tissue.

Common diseases of conductive deafness (middle ear):
Suppurative otitis media: middle ear infection, usually due to bacteria passing through the Eustachian tube after a cold or other respiratory infection Entering the middle ear cavity.
Non-suppurative otitis media: also called aviation otitis media, secretory otitis media, middle ear effusion, serous otitis media or "glue ear". It is not purulent but secretory or serous.
Cholesteatoma: A tumor on the top of the middle ear. The typical symptom is persistent discharge of foul-smelling pus. An otolaryngologist must be consulted immediately. Usually after the tumor is removed, some degree of permanent hearing impairment is left.
Otosclerosis: A disease caused by spongiosis of the bone surrounding the inner ear. Sometimes the spongiosis will turn into a sclerotic focus, which will fix the stapes base plate. This kind of hearing loss is generally 60-65 decibels, often accompanied by tinnitus. There are more women than men, and most of them have a family history. Pregnancy usually triggers ear disease.The occurrence of sclerosis.
Ossicular chain fixation: sequelae of non-suppurative otitis media. Interruption of the ossicular chain: caused by loud noises, slaps, traffic accidents, etc.

Hearing damage solutions:
Conductive deafness can be treated through medical treatments such as drugs or surgery. Because speech understanding is not affected, it is easier to compensate for lost hearing with Hearing Aids, as long as the correct frequency amplification is used.
Sensorineural hearing loss is almost impossible to treat medically. The correct selection of hearing aids is the first choice or the only effective way to improve hearing for sensorineural deafness.
Mixed hearing loss: both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss. Hearing cannot be completely restored through treatment, and hearing aids are required.
Central deafness: It is not caused by damage to the structure or function of the ear, so hearing aids are not suitable.

Non-organic deafness: often called "functional deafness". There is actually no disease in the ears and auditory pathways, but it is caused by certain psychological factors. It is not advisable to choose hearing aids.

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